DKMS Debian PackageThis is not a story I planned to publish next, but burning my brain over this recently led me to the conclusion it makes sense to document…1d ago1d ago
No, no... that's plain wrong.In GitLab you can have organization wide policies and settings, you can group people and repositories and their CI/CD doesn't depend on…Oct 2, 2024Oct 2, 2024
Code of my Life: Turbo VisionTUI library of my second programming language taught me pointers.Sep 27, 2024Sep 27, 2024
Code of my life: MS-DOS 4.0Microsoft’s release of MS-DOS 4.0 to GitHub triggered some old memories of my first PC and the first computer my family ever owned. That…May 19, 2024May 19, 2024
I looked into test code, and I see a major flaw in your implementation.People who don't understand asynchronous programming shall not write asynchronous code, especially benchmarks. Moreover, publishing such…Jul 12, 2023Jul 12, 2023
Published inBetter ProgrammingRust Refactoring for BeginnersRecently Neeraj Avinash posted his code on Rust Programming Language Group on LinkedIn. His goal is to learn some Rust, mine is to teach.Jul 12, 20231Jul 12, 20231
Aside the style resembling one of OpenGPT, the article completely ignores one fundamental fact …Jun 23, 2023Jun 23, 2023
Actually practice shows you can find many libraries for the same problem, but none with established…Jun 23, 2023Jun 23, 2023
Looks like Rust is steadily going to take dominant role in back end sector as well.If you look around you'll find testimonials where switching a backend to Rust let companies scale down their resource usage (in clouds that…Jun 22, 2023Jun 22, 2023